Monday 6 July 2009

A divergence from my tales of the sea

A first novel published at sixty-eight

An Ordinary Life by Edmund J Gubbins

Edmund Gubbins worked as a ships officer in the Merchant Navy for twelve years after leaving school. He subsequently studied for a degree. On graduating, he became a university lecturer specialising in transport management and UN consultant. During his time lecturing, he published two text books, Managing Transport Operations and The Shipping Industry. He has lived and worked in Louthborough since 1975. During his life, he has traveled widely both for pleasure and for work.

Edmund Gubbins retired in 2005 after almost thirty years service at Loughborough University. After retirement, he started creative writing classes through the WEA in Loughborough learning to hone his writing skills, both prose and poetry.

With much encouragement from the tutor, his first novel has been published at the age of sixty-eight by

The story explores the manner in which most people regard themselves as honest and law abiding although there are times and circumstances when they ignore the rules of behaviour or of some moral code. These people justify their actions by ignoring their conscience or making excuses for their behaviour. In extreme cases they give the impression that morality is not an issue in their case.

The story follows the life of Tom Houseman. From his early childhood on the edge of a hard council estate to eminent Professor with a worldwide reputation and great wealth. Tom Houseman has a boyhood friend called Derek from the council estate and, though their paths diverge after junior school, he stays loyal to his friend.

During his life, he accepts opportunities presented by his friends and his brother. These enhance both his standing in society and his wealth. All the time, he ignores and denies the moral and legal implications of taking advantage of these offers.

As time passes, he has to face the implications of his choices. Will he finally have to face these hard decisions or will he sail serenely on living, to him, this ordinary life?

It can be purchased as a print on demand (POD) book through major booksellers such as Waterstones, WHSmith, Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

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